Xjenza Malta (Science Malta) is mandated by the national government to act as Malta’s National Contact Point structure for the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation, as well as to represent Malta in the Programme Committees for each group. Horizon Europe is the current EU Framework Programme (2021-2027), which has a budget of €95.5 billion. Horizon Europe is EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation for Maltese researchers and organisations. It facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies, while tackling global challenges, namely Health and Climate Change.

The role of the Framework Programme Unit within Science Malta is to provide guidance to all Maltese participants interested in applying for Horizon Europe funding. The National Contact Points offer a variety of services to assist potential applicants at all stages of their participation, including information and training sessions, partner search and networking facilities, pre-proposal checks, as well as advice during project implementation. The FPU also implements a number of Support Schemes to strengthen the participation of local stakeholders.