The Policy and Strategy Unit (PSU) plays a key role in providing strategic advice to the Government on the national and EU levels, on research and innovation matters. In particular, the PSU provides support and input to the development of the Maltese position in various EU fora, participates in relevant groups and contributes to supporting the development and realisation of the European Research Area.
On a national level, the PSU leads the development of the National R&I Strategy, oversees its implementation, and follows up on its monitoring. The latest Strategy, namely the National R&I Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027, lays the foundations for a revitalised and well-governed national R&I system built on short- and medium-term measures, and a long-term vision. The 2023-2027 Strategic Plan builds on the outcome of the PSF Peer Review that Malta underwent in 2018-2019.
The PSU also supports the Government in the development of Malta’s Smart Specialisation Strategy and provides technical support to the governance structure set up for its implementation.
Smart Specialisation is a key principle underpinning the European Commission’s Cohesion Policy for the period 2021-2027 in the Research, Technology, Development and Innovation (RTDI) priority that foresees the channelling of public and private investments, in carefully-selected priority areas, through an ‘entrepreneurial discovery process’ (EDP).
The PSU also has a policy intelligence function within the organisation, through which it develops reports on various topics of relevance for the organisation and for Malta’s R&I landscape in broader terms. This helps to ensure that policies and their implementation are backed by the best available evidence. As part of these efforts, the PSU also engages with like-minded peers on an international level to share lessons and best practices on topics of relevance.