The Technology Extension Support Program (TESP) is a funding program targeted at the private sector to provide financial support for incremental product or process improvement through the collaboration with higher education institutions (HEIs).

The aims of this program are to:

  • Foster private entity-higher education institutes partnerships in a low-risk environment.
  • Expose private companies to R&I related activities and bridge the gap towards more intensive initiatives.
  • Involve more the Higher Education Institutes in the industry, leading to novel ideas which could be developed.
  • Increase economic output by supporting industrial activities.
  • Bridge the gap between academia and industry.

Local Maltese entities are eligible for funding up to a maximum grant amount of €100,000. It is to be noted that since an aim of this program is collaboration, the HEI in collaboration with the private entity will receive a minimum of 40% and maximum of 50% of the grant amount.

An online information session with more details on the TESP was held on Tuesday 26th November 2024.

A recording of the information session conducted is available HERE.

All projects are evaluated by a selection panel set up by Xjenza Malta on the basis of evaluation criteria outlined in the Call text. Interested Applicants are to submit the below documentation electronically by the 27th January 2025 at 23:59 CET keeping in copy Ms Giulia Aquilina at All received applications shall be acknowledged by email. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

For further information please contact:

Ms Giulia Aquilina at (+356) 2360 2197  and/or Mr Stephen Borg at (+356) 2360 2208.

*Along with your application, kindly submit the attached Annex ‘Detailed budget breakdown form’. Kindly select the funding route ‘De Minimis (REP/TESP)’ which will automatically adjust your budget in accordance with the 90% financing rate.*